08.07.2017 International Show, Sauga
Non-Stop S.Connery (Byron) Intermediate Ex-1, CQ, BM-1, BOB, CACIB!!!
Show ring judge: Jelena Kruus, (EST)
Group judge: Jelena Kruus, (EST)
09.07.2017 International Show, Sauga
Non-Stop S.Connery (Byron) Intermediate Ex-2, CQ
Show ring judge: Tino Pehar (HR)
15.07.2017 Retrievers Speciality Show, Ogre Latvia
Non-Stop S.Connery (Byron) Intermediate Ex-1, CQ, BM-5
Star Light Son Nice and Easy (Bria) Open class Ex-1, CQ, BF-4
Show ring judge: Borge Espeland (NO)
16.07.2017 National Show “Ogre Summer”, Ogre Latvia
Non-Stop S.Connery (Byron) Intermediate Ex-2, CQ
Star Light Son Nice and Easy (Bria) Open class Ex-2, CQ, BF-4
Show ring judge: Pierluigi Buratti (IT)
Non-Stop S.Connery (Byron)

Star Light Son Nice and Easy